Sydney to Kuala Lumpur completed!

We finally left Sydney, very weary, on our big adventure. 
Although the flight was only 9 hours it seemed to take forever. As predicted I was fortunate enough to grab the seat next to number one son - Thomas. OMG, first he wanted to sit by the window, which was fine until he then wanted to get up every 2 seconds. He was consistently hungry, no change there really, except he kept wanting to eat everything of mine! He then proceeded on a few occasions to try and stretch his nearly 6 foot body all over me. It was like sitting next to a big spider monkey.
His head phones broke, he spilt water over his jumper, that he left on the floor. He kept opening the window shades, which of course nearly blinded me every time and he thought he would try and push every button within vicinity. Good times so far....
As I needed to try and remember everything for 4 adults I forgot to pack my neck pillow. Thus I was one of those people who nods off to sleep only to wake themselves up again when their head jerks to one side.
We depart on the 6.50am flight in the morning from Kuala Lumpur to Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Look mum I saved you a seat!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure who drew the shorter straw. Em was consistently asking for the next meal. That we then interspersed with comments like "OMG, Tom put his seat back, that's just rude", "how long til we get there?", "I'm sooo hungry!" and Dad, you do realise this middle armrest is to share right?"(while taking up the whole armrest). Best part was 2 hours from KL when turbulence upset our princess and she assumed the crash position for the rest of the flight and I got the armrest all to myself. :-)
