
One tends to forget when they are over 40 that flying to another country, walking around in the heat for 17 hours, having 4 hours sleep then flying to another country makes one a wee bit tired! We arrived in Yangon at 8.30am this morning and hit the ground running again.
Thankfully the person I booked all our accommodation and guides through was waiting for us at the airport, phew.... The sign even read 'Heidi Maree Clark', just in case there was another strange white person that had a similar name. In fact there was only 1 other 'white' foreigner on our flight. The strangest thing happened before we left KL. A young girl approached us and advised us that they probably wouldn't allow us to enter Myanmar as they are not letting foreign tourists in today? We however must have been the exception........ hmmmmmmm We also meet up with another couple of friends who flew in yesterday from Melbourne, Damien and Lucy. They have now joined our merry gang.
I haven't a clue what we looked at today. There were lots of bright shiny things, colourful food and the craziness of an Asian city. Hopefully after a good nights sleep I will be coherent tomorrow. I did manage to stand on my sunglasses, bummer, however the lovely door men at our very strange hotel found some glue and did a pretty descent repair job for me - yay.

Malaysia, truly Asia

Hello Kuala Lumpur
Okey Dokey family and friends are you ready for the latest instalment of the ‘Clarks Crazy Adventures’? I wasn’t going to do a blog for this trip, however I have succumbed to peer pressure and will endeavour to keep you all abreast of our latest fauxpas while travelling through another part of South East Asia. Also I can’t figure out how to change the heading of the tab on my blog – so it’s “where next” LOL.

We flew to Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday……. Although it’s only a 9 hour flight it seems like 29 hours. I’m sure the Wright brothers back in 1903 never pictured myself sitting at 30 thousand feet eating Pringles from a tiny can like some demented forest animal while reading the in-flight magazine. Oh, I forgot to mention for those of you have haven’t had the pleasure of reading my ramblings before - I can’t spell, I’m politically incorrect and I love swear words, although Ian constantly keeps asking me to refrain from bad language, so I am trying. We ditched the kids this time and instead dragged an old friend along, Steve. He has been slightly hesitant about almost everything I’ve mentioned, but really what could go wrong………… J

I have flown through KL six times so on this journey we decided to venture out of the airport and explore the local surrounds. We only had one day to explore so I kinda went overboard trying to incorporate everything we wanted to see and do. This resulted in us leaving the hotel at 7am and not returning to 11.40pm, opps… 17 hour days aren’t that hard unless it’s a ga-zillion degrees with 94% humidity!

Our first stop was Batu Caves. A Hindu shrine located up a million stairs in a big arse cave.  From there we navigated the streets of down town KL. Museums and gallery’s bore me, however the KL City Gallery was a highlight due to the wonderful air conditioning, comfy seats and very cold drinks. In fact when a lovely Malaysian girl bought over our drinks which included a huge glass of ice and an icy cold can of Dt Coke I could have kissed her.

 Notice all the stairs in the back ground.... Why are all religious sites 'up-hill'?
    Good to know - there is no exercising whilst ascending these stairs...... ha ha ha 

From there we continued on our journey exploring the surface of the sun, sorry, I meant KL. We eventually arrived at the Petronas Twin Towers where we caught the lift to the 86th floor. From the viewing platform 360 degree views of KL and the surrounding country can be seen. Except when a big Asian thunder storm arrives right on Q and millions of litres of water suddenly pour from the heavens. Luckily the posters adorning the walls showed us what the view normally looks like! Much to the amusement of Ian and Steve I became some-what of a celebrity while at the towers as a group of Indian men all wanted their photo taken with me. At first I thought they were asking me to take a photo of them until one of them put his arms around my waist and politely asked me to smile! One by one they lined up and asked for various poses…. So if you have any Indian friends look out for my amazingly stylish photos on social media, I’ll be the one that looks like a blond amazon woman!

Mederka Square
 Central Market
Petaling Street
Petronas Twin Towers
View on a sunny afternoon......
Our view.....
 Although the weather did start to clear as we were leaving......
After leaving the Petronas Towers we meet up with a local lady called Farah. She guided us through the streets of KL for the next 4 hours where we were able to try a myriad of local street food……
    OMG - this thing was amazing. Roti covered with butter, condensed milk, sugar and salt!