Homeward bound.....

For some travelling is easy and glamorous. For most it's hours spent waiting at airports, bus stations and terminals, then even more hours on buses, boats, planes, tuk tuk's, in cars and mini vans, avoiding an assortment of animals and negotiating the worst roads in the history of man kind. It's worrying about whether the accommodation you booked several months ago will actually have a bed for you upon arrival, if you manage to arrive. It's sleeping on really hard beds or the floor or bamboo without a pillow while wearing everything you own because you fear you may die from hypothermia. It's applying layer after layer of sunscreen then insect repellent and not knowing whether it's you that smells or the place your visiting. It's trying to negotiate in a city where you don't speak the language or understand the currency. It's eating food that's really strange which can turn out to be fabulous decision or a few days spent on the bathroom floor. It's not brushing your hair for a week because you can't find your hair brush and are too lazy to tip your whole bag out. Not that it matters as your 16 year old has used all of your conditioner and the country your visiting doesn't appear to have hot water. It's worrying whether you have enough cash as no one will take your credit card. And it's trying to be patient and not 'lose your shit' when it's hotter than the sun and all you want is a bottle of water which the shop assistant has to run down the road, around the corner and to her neighbours house to find!
If you can manage the above and step out of your comfort zone, you will discover magical places, meet amazing people, see sights that only a few will ever see and truly appreciate just how special our world is.....

In Cambodia it's unacceptable to take your gun and grenade into temples....
There's always a possibility....
This is how they sell fuel in Asia - complete with their own shower caps....
Don't see many departure and arrival boards like this anymore...
 I hope they don't teach English at this school....
 Not quite sure what we would be charged?
 Finally a country with hot showers and a toilet!
Okey Dokey then......
 Every city needs a 'Bus Bar'
No - this is not me after 32 days of travelling through Asia!
So you can park your bus, car, bike and elephant here!