Tigers in Chiang Mai.
I didn't quite realise the controversy that these photos may cause. I suppose I can be naïve at times. I've swam with Whale Sharks, stayed up all night to watch Green Sea Turtles lay their eggs, swam with dolphins, rode elephants, groomed Gibbons, played with Manta Rays and Monkeys and I own two very spoilt domestic cats. Is it OK for humans to play with wild animals, should we even keep any animal as a pet, should we work animals on farms? I don't know. What I do know is that some species will not be around for the next generation without conservation and conservation means money. No organisation is perfect. Does Tiger Kingdom make a profit, of course, however the animals that we saw were not drugged or harmed in any way. Tigers sleep for an extraordinary about of time, up to 15 hours a day. And just like my cats at home when they are asleep they are very docile. Most of the photos that we are in are of tigers that are asleep, this is because they are the easiest of be around, however every tiger we were with eventually woke up, wanted to play, raw or simply walked away from us. Some climbed trees, started fighting with other tigers or jumped into pools. When this happened we would be ushered to a different area or removed from the cage altogether. You will also note that we are always behind the tigers and weren't allowed to touch their heads. This again is for safety as when the tigers decided to move you needed to get out of their way. The handlers did dangle toys in front of the little tigers, up to 6 months old. The tigers seemed to think this was great. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and beliefs, for me as a mother I'm trying to instil a love and respect for animals in my children, so until I can take them to a national park to watch tigers roam free this will have to do!
Well said and you guys looked like you had a great time and the tigers didn't mind it either.