Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We made it to Quy Nhon in a little under 5 hours. The road wasn't too bad however I did get up the courage to sit in the suicide set (that's the seat at the front of the bus where you can see everything). I only had to close my eyes a few times. Not much in Quy Nhon. Nice beach, lots of fishermen and loads of boats. We are basically using this town as a stop over on our way to Hoi An.
Although I love traveling I hate living out of a suitcase. I couldn't find any undies this morning. Maybe more than I thought dropped out of my laundry bag back in Nha Trang. At least some poor family will have some blankets now.
There are not many foreigners in Quy Nhon and after dinner last night we passed a local supermarket. Myself, Ian, Damien and Lucy decided to check it out. It was hilarious as we totally stuck out, which is not hard when you are white and 2 foot taller than anyone else around you. There were people pointing and lots of laughter from the kids. Personally I think they were laughing at my man shoes. We did find Kit Kats, this was very exciting.
All the hotels that we have stayed in over here have door bells on the front door of each room, weird! Ian decided to ring ours which caused every light in the room to turn off....... And don't let me get started on the bathroom, it was open plan. Which is cool, this I could have dealt with except for the fact that when you have a bathroom that's only 1.5 x 1.5 metres which includes the vanity and toilet it's no surprise that EVERYTHING gets wet when the shower is turned on! aarrrggghhhhhh
Off  to Hoi An today, can't wait it's suppose to be fabulous.
Best thing seen on a bike today, 3 bird cages including birds.